Quit smoking calendars - what it is, who needs it and when, why you need to keep it. What to expect from the body in the process of quitting smoking according to the diary. Emotions and thoughts of someone who quits a cigarette, how to prepare yourself for this step.
10 February 2022
There are many easy ways to quit smoking with folk remedies. Many ex -smokers claim that quitting smoking with traditional recipes is easier and more effective. It is necessary to get rid of addiction in a complex way.
8 February 2022
How to quit smoking on your own at home if there is no will, smoker suffering, motivation to quit smoking, how to quit smoking without pills, acupuncture, neurolinguistic programming methods, plus life without cigarettes, reviews.
18 January 2021
Changes in what happens in the body during smoking cessation, what happens to the body when quitting smoking, how the state of internal organs changes, external changes, what to do so that quitting smoking does not require weight gain.
17 January 2021